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VST Library New Books
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VST Library New Books
VST Library New Acquisitions
VST Library New Acquisitions
Transforming Preaching
Wide As the Waters
Youth Ministry
1-3 John
1 and 2 Thessalonians
1 and 2 Timothy and Titus
Ecological Spirituality
John 1-10
1 Peter
Know the Theologians
Bible Blindspots
Christian Atheism
God's Patience and Our Work
The Legacy of Hans W. Frei
Peculiar Discipleship
Act fast : spiritual practices for a climate in crisis
ESV Exhaustive Concordance
The First Letter of Peter
A survey of Presbyterian mission in history in Africa, historic beginnings (c.1790s to c.1930s) Volume one
Galatians, Volume 9
The Books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah
Reparations and the Theological Disciplines
Basics of Verbal Aspect in Biblical Greek
The Oxford Handbook of Hosea
Lutheran Study Bible (Hardcover)
T&T Clark Handbook of the Doctrine of Creation
The Identity and Mission of the Korean American Church
Old Testament Theology
Contextualization and the Old Testament
So You Want to Write about American Indians?
Why Indigenous Literatures Matter
Faith in the Face of Empire
A Palestinian Theology of Liberation
Struggle to Be the Sun Again
How Fascism Works
Rooted and Grounded
Discovering Second Temple Literature
From Weary to Wholehearted
The Gospel of John
Graceful Nurture
The New Testament in Color
That I May Dwell among Them
As Long As Grass Grows
With the Best of Intentions: Interreligious Missteps and Mistakes
A survey of Presbyterian mission in history in Africa, historic beginnings (c.1790s to c.1930s) Volume one
Preaching Romans from Here
NRSV the C. S. Lewis Bible
Gone for Good?
Yes, And...
A Greening of Imaginations
The Chicago Manual of Style
Genesis 1-11
NIV, Upside-Down Kingdom Bible, Hardcover, Gray, Comfort Print
The Oxford Handbook of Religion and Economic Ethics
The Westminster Study Bible
The Craft of Research, Fifth Edition
Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary
The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible: One-Volume Edition
West Coast Mission
The JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition
Pray without ceasing : morning and evening prayer for the seasons of the church year and ordinary time
The Bible
Sacred Instructions
What It Means to Be Protestant
The Widening of God's Mercy
The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew. I. Aleph. Revised Edition
True to Our Native Land, Second Edition
The Oxford Handbook of Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles
The Oxford Handbook of the Books of Kings
Acts 1-9:42, Volume 37A
Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation
1, 2 Peter and Jude Through the Centuries
World Christianity and Ecological Theologies
Our Home and Treaty Land
An Interpretive Lexicon of Old Testament Hebrew and Aramaic
Christianity in North America
Unsettling Worship
Truth Telling
Five Little Indians
So You Want to Write about American Indians?
Jesus and the Powers
Preparing for a Wedding in the Episcopal Church
Cultivating Transformative Reconciliation
The Sixties and Beyond
Ohiatonhseratokénti = The Holy Bible in Mohawk
A History of Early Christian Creeds
The Broken Body
After One-Hundred-And-Twenty
The Age of Insecurity
The Cambridge Companion to Quakerism
Living I Was Your Plague
God's Long Summer
Moments in time : sermons from the United Church of Canada, 1910-2020
John Through the Centuries
The Acts of the Apostles Through the Centuries