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Vancouver School of Theology

Accessing Your Library Account

  • To view your library account, you will need a user ID (barcode number on your library card) and password.
  • To obtain a password, go to Theolog, click Sign in, and then choose the Set/Reset Password option. Please note that VST library staff cannot do this for you.
  • Enter your library barcode/user ID in the box when prompted, and click Request New Password.
  • You will then receive an email with instructions for creating a new password, the link for which will expire after 24 hours.

Renewing an Item

  • You can renew your items online through your library account; you can also email the Circulation Desk (, call 604-822-9382, or visit the library.
  • If you do not have an online library account, you can create one by following the instructions in the section above.
  • Once you have your password, sign in to Theolog.
  • You will see the items you have checked out with a Renew button next to each.
  • Click on the button beside the title of the checked-out item to renew it.

Placing Holds

  • Holds can only be placed by library staff on items owned by the VST library, and only on items that are checked out.
  • If you would like to place a hold on an item that has been checked out, please email the Circulation Desk (, call 604-822-9382, or visit the library in person.
  • If the requested item is required for reserves or has gone missing, you will receive an email informing you of this and the hold will be dropped.
  • Once a hold becomes available, you will receive an email notifying you that the item is available at the Circulation Desk.
  • Items held by VST can only be picked up at the VST library; holds cannot be routed to our partner libraries.
  • The hold will be kept at the Circulation Desk for 7 days.
  • If the hold is not picked up within a week, the item will be re-shelved and available for general use. You will be sent an email informing you that the hold has expired, and the item has been re-shelved.