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Vancouver School of Theology

Upcoming Research Modules this term

VST and SMC students: 

Please note the date of upcoming research module.  

Module 4 -  Research with Human Subjects -  Thursday, March 13 - - 2 PM – 5 PM


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Find Articles: Atlas RELIGION WITH SERIALS PLUS - premier theology/religious studies journal database. VST Library account credentials required.

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  • Access is limited to current VST student, faculty and staff due to vendor restrictions. If you can not access while being a current student, please contact library staff 
  • VST alum need to use this link to access Atlas database
  • Multilingual Atla Research Tools Online Tutorials offers helpful information on how to use this database

Search UBC Databases

  • A-Z Databases - over 40 curated UBC databases on theology and religious studies available to VST library users through UBC libraries. Requires UBC CWL credentials for VST current students and UBC library card number for VST faculty and staff. You need an active  CWL as a UBC affiliated institution student. In case you need help with your CWL,  consult How to Create Campus Wide Login (CWL).pdf on Populi,


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Selected VST Library New Books

With the Best of Intentions: Interreligious Missteps and Mistakes

The Westminster Study Bible

Selected UBC Library eBooks

Transformations in Biblical Literary Traditions

A Theology of Health

Trade Edition of The St. John's Bible - VST Feature Diisplay

VST Library feature display:

Trade edition of:

The Saint John’s Bible

The Saint John's Bible is the first completely handwritten and illuminated Bible to be commissioned by a Benedictine abbey since the invention of the printing press. The project was headed by Donald Jackson, and work on the manuscript took place in both Wales and Minnesota.

Work on the 1,100 page Bible began in 1998 when it was commissioned by the Benedictine monks at Saint John's University, and was completely finished in December 2011 at a total cost of over $8 million. 

The work  is divided into seven volumes and is two feet tall by three feet wide when open. The book is written on vellum by quill, containing 160 illuminations across its seven volumes, and uses the New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSV-CE) of the Bible. A copy of The Saint John's Bible has been presented to the Pope at the Vatican in several volumes, with the final volume presented on April 17, 2015.

The Saint John's website provides a full description of this beautiful, illuminating work of art.